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WordPress: How to Modify Permalinks

How to Change the Full WordPress Permalink

WordPress permalinks consist of a base (same throughout your entire WordPress website) and a suffix (unique for each page). You can modify permalink suffixes from inside of the WordPress Dashboard. Modifying your website's base permalink will require you to make manual modifications inside of your website's database.

  • Want to learn how to modify the base permalink? Visit WordPress.org to find out more.
  • Want us to modify your base permalink for you? Contact us via chat to have our FatCow Professional Services make the changes for a small fee.
Permalink Examplehttp://www.your-domain.com/sample-page/
Permalink 'Base'Permalink 'Suffix'

Important: You will need to update your base permalink if you plan on changing your domain pointers and file directory structure (for example, changing 'http://www.your-domain.com/subdirectory' into just 'http://www.your-domain.com/').

How to Change WordPress Permalink Suffixes

  1. Log into your WordPress Dashboard.
  2. Go to Settings.
  3. Go to Permalinks.
    Go to Permalinks
  4. Use the interface provided to modify your permalinks as desired.
  5. Click Save Changes.
    Click Save Changes

Want to learn more about WordPress

WordPress: Tutorial Videos: To help you easily grasp the basics of creating a WordPress website, FatCow has created several free tutorial videos. These videos were designed to be followed in order, but you are welcome to view whichever one best suits your needs.

You can always check out WordPress.org and browse their codex or online help forums.

Why Would I Need to Modify my Permalink Suffixes

The default permalinks are generic and only display the page's assigned number. If you want to make your permalinks appear more professional and personalized, you will need to customize them. Here is an example of what you can do:

  • Default Formatting: http://www.your-domain.com/p=123
  • Optional Formatting: http://www.your-domain.com/recipies/chocolate-chip-cookies/

To learn more about how you can customize your permalinks, visit WordPress.org.

Important: Leaving Permalinks on their default setting will prevent the W3 Total Cache plugin from working.
