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Scripting: Introduction to PHP

Understanding the Importance of Which PHP Version You Use

PHP coding language is constantly being developed and improved. With each new version released, some PHP functions and capabilities may be removed while others are introduced. Each new version of PHP aims to increase the security and capabilities of what the language can do.

Older PHP applications and website builders may be designed to run with an older version of PHP and might not run at all on newer versions. Likewise, newer or up-to-date PHP applications might only work when running on the more recent versions of PHP. To accommodate whichever application you choose to use, FatCow allows you to pick from several pre-installed PHP versions.

To learn how to switch which PHP version your hosting account is using, Scripting: How to Switch Your PHP Version.

PHP offers a way to modify or make changes to the scripting of your website. Some of the usual things you can do on this page are;

  1. Update the PHP version.
  2. Increase the memory limit.
  3. Increase the PHP upload size limit.
  4. Install the Zend Guard Loader And IonCube.
  5. Disable the PHP functions.
  6. Designate the PHP session save path.

Notable Scripting Restrictions

Some PHP applications may require a larger memory limit than the default set within the php.ini. You can change your php.ini file to allow greater memory use, but the set limit cannot exceed 64MB. If you are still running into memory issues even after maxing out your php.ini limits, you will need to either contact us to inquire about a more powerful hosting platform or reconsider how your website is built.

Run Time
Some scripts require a significant amount of time to run before they are completed. Allowing scripts to run indefinitely could cause vastly negative effects on your website performance as well as the performance of other FatCow customers. All PHP/CGI/Perl scripts are limited to 60 seconds of run time. If a script requires more than 60 seconds to run, it will be stopped at 60 seconds (for example, if a PHP script allows a website visitor to upload a file, and the file takes longer than 60 seconds to upload, the file upload will be canceled).

FatCow's Coding and Scripting Support

FatCow does not provide support for custom code or custom scripts. Any tools provided by FatCow (Control Panel Tools, Support Articles, etc.) are meant only for advanced users who are knowledgeable enough to handle their scripts using those tools (see FatCow's User Agreement).

If you have limited experience or feel uneasy about working with these scripting languages in a way that suits your needs, we encourage you to consider hiring a web developer to assist. You can utilize a third-party web developer or explore several paid services provided by FatCow. Feel free to contact us for more information.

Here is a video on how to manage your php.ini file within your account.

The php.ini File FAQs

What is the php.ini file?

The php.ini controls how PHP code runs on your hosting account. The php.ini file contains all of the current PHP configuration settings: execution time, memory limit, etc. This is also how modules such as Memcache, APC, etc. are enabled. This file allows you to override the server’s default configuration settings.

Can the php.ini file be modified?

Yes. Most shared hosting accounts will have direct access to modify the php.ini file pre-installed onto the server. A php.ini file can be uploaded and modified manually using FTP if an account does not have this feature.

Is there a way to reset the php.ini file back to its default settings?

Accounts that have direct access to modify the php.ini file will also have access to a feature that allows them to reset the php.ini file back to server-recommended defaults. Otherwise, the account will need to upload a backup of their original php.ini file via FTP.

What are some common modifications to the php.ini file?

We have put together several guides to help you understand how to make common modifications to your php.ini file. Simply click on one of the following links to get started. You can also call us at 888-278-9780 to have our FatCow Professional Services team make changes for a small fee.

Related Articles

How to Update Your PHP Version - Video
How to Update PHP for WordPress
Scripting: How To Install IonCube for PHP 7.0 - 7.4
