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How to Contact Support

Need to contact Support?

Help us locate the account to assist you with your concern promptly. This article describes what information you will need on hand before contacting us through chat.
  • Account Username -  is a system-generated account name upon account creation.
  • Domain Name - is typically the name of your website (e.g., johnswebsite.com) or the extension of your email address (e.g., admin@johnswebsite.com).
  • Admin Email - this is the contact email address you provided when you signed up for the account. 
  • Credit Card details - the last four numbers of the credit card on the account. 
Once we locate the account, you must go through our verification process to have full access. Please be prepared to answer the security question and other helpful information to identify yourself as an authorized person. We may still assist you with a general inquiry if you did not verify the account successfully. 

You may also visit Quick Answers to Common Support QuestionsOur knowledge base articles will guide you to resolve issues and get things done.
