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Email Client Setup: Mozilla Thunderbird

Setting up your email with Mozilla Thunderbird?

  1. Open Mozilla Thunderbird.
  2. Click Tools or click the Application menu button. Application menu button
  3. Select Account Settings.
  4. At the bottom of the left pane, click Account Actions.
    Account Actions
  5. Select Add Mail Account.
    Add Mail Account
  6. Enter your email account details and press Continue.
    • Your Name: How you want your name to appear in emails (example: Jane Test)
    • Username/Email Address: Your full email address (example: test@example.com)
    • Password: Your email password
    • Remember password: We recommend that you keep this checked
      enter email account information
  7. Press Manual Configuration and edit the server names, ports, and IMAP/POP to manually set up the account. IMAP synchronizes the email on your computer with the contents of your account on the server, while POP simply downloads the inbox.
  8. Fill in the following information depending on the incoming protocol you chose:
    • POP
      • Outgoing Authentication: We recommend Normal password
      • Outgoing SSL: Your preference. If you choose SSL/TLS, change the Outgoing Port to 465
      • Outgoing Port: 587
      • Outgoing Server Hostname: smtp.fatcow.com
      • Incoming Authentication: We recommend Normal password.
      • Incoming SSL: Your preference. If you choose SSL/TLS, change Incoming Port to 995.
      • Incoming Port: 110
      • Incoming Server Hostname: pop.fatcow.com
      • Incoming (Type): POP
      • Password: Your mailbox password
      • Username/Email Address: Your full email address (example: test@example.com)
      • Your Name: How you want your name to appear in emails (example: Jane Test)
        POP settings
    • IMAP
      • Your Name: How you want your name to appear in emails (example: Jane Test)
      • Username/Email Address: Your full email address (example: test@example.com)
      • Password: Your email password
      • Incoming (Type): IMAP
      • Incoming Server Hostname: imap.fatcow.com
      • Incoming Port: 143
      • Incoming SSL: Your preference. If you choose SSL/TLS, have the incoming server, and port reflects their appropriate SSL settings.
      • Incoming Authentication: We recommend Normal password.
      • Outgoing Server Hostname: smtp.fatcow.com
      • Outgoing Port: 587
      • Outgoing SSL: Your preference. If you choose SSL/TLS, have the outgoing server, and port reflects their appropriate SSL settings.
      • Outgoing Authentication: We recommend Normal passwordIMAP settings
  9. Click Create Account.
  10. Wait for the mail client to finish verifying the email settings. 
  11. Additional optional settings are available to further personalize your Thunderbird email client. Please refer to Thunderbird's support site for help with these settings.

I followed the instructions, but I still can't connect. What can I do?
