Account Settings
We have added a brand new Account Settings page in your Domains Dashboard. To access this, hover over your account username, then select Account Settings from the drop-down list.
Below you can find a description of what information you will find here.
The summary offers you a view of your contact information, personal site profile, and current hosting plan. You can change your contact information and personal site profile by clicking on the Edit links.

In addition to the usual contact information, we have added a Tax ID or Tax Exemption field for those countries that require this information.
Remember to click on the Update Information button after you have completed your edits.

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We communicate with customers in a variety of ways and for many different reasons. Use this tool to manage communications with our customers. You can add or edit your account email addresses on the Notifications tab. You must always have at least one primary contact email address.
When adding email addresses to your account, you can assign various types of permissions.

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Billing Information
The Billing Information section allows you to update your credit card details, view your paid statements, and check your upcoming payments.

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Account Access & Security
When contacting us, we now require you to set up a security question and answer. You can set up a security question for your main profile and add other users who may need to contact Support on your behalf.

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Change Password
Change your account login password.
The password fields will display green when you have satisfied the requirements.
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Related links:
Account: BillingAccount: Update Credit Card
Account: Pay by Check
Account: Update PayPal Info